Physician Led • Outcomes Centered • Patient Focused

Orthotics in Des Moines – Foot pain relief

Come in to Stadia Sports Medicine for a quick 15 minute appointment to have your feet scanned for your custom orthotic inserts! What’s the catch? No catch and we even offer them at our cost, $200.00.

How do they work? Your feet are scanned as you walk across a computerized mat. This information customizes your inserts. When your inserts arrive you need to break them in slowly, only wear them for about an hour the first day and increase each day afterwards. One insert can be used in multiple shoes, just remove the factory insert from your current shoes and replace it with your new custom orthotic inserts.

Orthotics can be beneficial if you:

* Stand or walk on hard surfaces for long periods of time throughout the day

* Participate in any physical activity on a regular basis, including sports

* Have prior injuries to your knees, back or neck

* Have obvious foot problems such as bunions, corns, flat feet or an abnormal gait

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